Healthy Foods

Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers
“What you saw today is what you reap tomorrow,” we all know this famous saying which is not just for deeds but also for what we eat! A healthy diet now will lay a healthy foundation for your better tomorrow. Over the last decade, burgers and rolls have replaced our lunch while junk foods have replaced our dinners. These are the main reasons behind many diseases common today.
Good nutrition along with the regular exercise will help you achieve a healthy weight, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve the overall health. For a busy, stressful and sedentary lifestyle, a diet which provides all the vital nutrients and proteins is a must to have to make you feel light and competent. All the talk is of no use if you fail to have a healthy diet, so here are the key facts that will lead you to  a healthy diet:
1. Productivity
In 2012, Population Health Management discovered that 66% loss of productivity is found in individuals with unhealthy eating habits. It was also found that the practice of eating healthy food helps increase one’s concentration and thus increases the productivity of a person.
2. Fight depression and anxiety
We become what we eat, so try to eat only healthy food. Junk eating habits tend to make us lazy and lethargic whereas healthy eating keeps us light and energetic throughout the day. Foods that are rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables are known to reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. Inclusion of salmon, nuts, and other fatty fish is also often advised.
3. Weight managements
Do not think that you have to eat less to reduce weight. It’s completely wrong! Teenagers, especially girls are quite often seen skipping meals. But the human body tends to store fat when it’s deprived of its necessities. So eat sufficiently with healthier options.
4. Health improvements
Dietary habits of childhood are likely to be carried to adulthood. If you are inclined towards following unhealthy habits, you are prone to having type 2 diabetes, hypertension and increased body weight. Inclusion of antioxidants, fruits and vitamins is good, as they have additive or synergistic actions of phytochemicals. These directly reduce the chances of chronic disease and in some cases, even cardiovascular diseases.
Here are a few tips to adopt healthy eating habits with little or no efforts:
– Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. There is nothing beautiful than supple skin and water is a must for it. Drinking 2 liters of water everyday will not only keep you hydrated but eliminate toxins from the body.
– Have your meals on fixed times and do not skip them.
– Increase your physical activity with small changes like walking to metro stations, or choosing stairs instead of the lift.
– Pre-plan your cravings. If you have cravings for dessert or a snack during afternoon, try to eat something healthy, like digestive biscuits or a cup of yogurt instead of ice cream.

The Human Body Is the Best Picture of the Human Soul

Ludwig Wittgenstein once said that “The human body is the best picture of the human soul.” He insisted on the fact that a healthy and fit body will display the state of the soul it resides in. Modern lifestyle keeps us busy at all times and so much tasks in hand regarding schooling, jobs and family matters drain out all our energy.
At times when we are surrounded by such pressures, an effective tool which can look after our health, both mentally and physically is relaxation. Art of yoga gets you a correct way of enjoying relaxation. It may be difficult to find time or while you are trying to calm down, it may happen that your mind starts wandering on various things that have to be done. But it’s worth noting that our stress hormones are reduced during meditation, yoga or other physical exercises. So let’s see what you can do every day to have a healthy body and mind for a better life.
• Breathing
Long breaths calm down the restless nervous system and bring us back to living. It is advised in panic attack cases till the medical help arrives and is also highly recommended by yoga sutra.
• Concentrating
At times we like to sit alone in a corner with a warm cup of coffee to have some personal time. It is okay sometimes but it may give more space to think about a lot about the current situations. Remember what they say ‘it’s all in the mind ‘and by doing this, you tend to worsen the situation. What’s best is to do the opposite and run or practice a challenging asana. This will help you drain out all the stress and negative energy in your mind and body.
• Replace what’s negative
Many surveys and experiments have proved that there’s nothing more harmful for a person than a negative thought in his mind. So next time when you feel surrounded by cynicism, try to do something cheerful; like talking to a close friend or getting lost in the world of great books.
• Laughter- the best medicine!
Laughter keeps the heart healthy and is helpful to relieve some physical symptoms generated by stress. It releases a hormone called endorphin which is a natural painkiller. Feeling of self-worth, self-confidence, optimism, and a positive state of mind are created by endorphin. It also stimulates the felling of forgiveness.
• Yoga
Yoga is a combination of deep breathing and pose that involves both stationary and moving poses. Yoga helps t develop flexibility, stamina, strength and balance along with reducing stress and anxiety. When brought into daily practice, the response of the body can be strengthen. For beginners, Hatha yoga is advisable as it is reasonably gentle and helpful in relieving stress as well. While selecting any yoga classes, search for labels similar to ‘for stress relief’, ‘gentle’, ‘for beginners,’ etc.


Know the warning signs
Stroke is a case of emergency. Acting fast during this critical time is vital to save the patient. Even if you cannot diagnose it as stroke, getting the patient to a nearby hospital or even calling 911 is worth trying; since the patient will be able to get some support which is very necessary. It will not only save the patient’s life but will also help prevent any long-term disabilities.
Through a research, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke found that patients treated with anti-clotting drugs during the first 3 hours of having stroke symptoms have 30% more chances of recovering without any major disability.
The National Stroke Association came up using the term “FAST” to explain symptoms of stroke to people.
F – Face: a drooping or uneven smile on the patient’s face is a warning sign.
A – Arms: weakness or numbness in the arms and legs on either side of the body is another warning sign. If you are not sure about this, try to raise any one hand. If it drops immediately, it’s a sign.
S – Speech: slurred speech is another sign. Ask the patient to repeat something and you will understand if the language is unclear.
T – Time: you have to act as fast as possible if someone near you is having a stroke.
Other than these, the following symptoms may be seen:
– numbness in limbs, most likely on one side
– vision troubles in one or both eyes
– trouble in walking
– overall fatigue
Preparation and prevention
Such emergency cases can happen any time. Being prepared for this usually means having knowledge of the following things –
• “FAST” should be known by your friends and family.
• Have an updated medical history of the patient
• Have an emergency contact list on your phone.
• Have a copy of the current medication with you.
• Educate your children on how to call for help.
• If possible, try to get the address of a heart specialist in your area
How to prevent stroke?
After having the first stroke, there are chances of having another stroke sooner or later. So it is always best to prevent it. Following steps will guide you for prevention of stroke:
• Add vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans to your diet.
• Food full with fats should be avoided.
• Intake of sugar should be reduced. Along with sugar, salt, fats and refined grains should also be reduced. Cut down on cake and confessionary items. Even use of high calories beverages should be avoided.
• Exercise and increase your daily physical activity. A simple morning walk for 30 minutes will be good.
• Reduce the intake of alcohol.
• Tobacco intake should be reduced. Tobacco has a content, named nicotine that thickens the blood and thus increases the changes of stroke.
• Follow the current medication as advised. For paralysis or during major operations, patients are often kept on blood thinner. It is important to take them in order to keep the blood thin and help it flow towards all parts of the body.


A regular practice can calm your brain, help your heart, and even make you a better person.
Our state of mind defines our thinking process which in turn decides our actions and behavior. With meditation, this state of mind is elevated. Meditation, also known as “dhyana” in Sanskrit, is the key to maintaining a peaceful soul. It forms one of the eight limbs of Yog shastra. Except for spirituality, there are many other perks of this practice. Many changes have been felt by people who regularly practice meditation, thus turning their lives to a positive direction. But it is often believed that meditation is very tough and difficult to practice. No, this is not true. Let’s learn how to mediate in the simplest form.
How to mediate?
Sit in a comfortable place and if you can’t sit on the ground, use a chair with flat surface. Upon closing your eyes, start focusing on your breathing. Initially you will find yourself wandering in thoughts. It’s okay, you don’t have to suppress them. Just let them pass and try to focus again. Soon your mind will come to the initial focus point and thus you will experience peace.
Importance of Meditation
1. One can attain calmness by the daily practice of meditation. Mental serenity will be present in every work performed by the person. With each passing day, you will experience a difference in your lifestyle which is better than the past.
2. The busy lifestyle in this 21st century often fills up our mind with stress. It’s worth noting that our levels of stress hormones are raised with no relaxation, thus causing anxiety. Too much adrenaline and cortisol in our bodies can cause our blood pressure to rise, making our brains behave differently. Meditation reduces the stress and also promotes good chemical production in the body, like serotonin.
3. Disturbed sleep at night is a common scenario and sound sleep is very essential for the body to function efficiently. The main reason behind our troubled sleep is that our mind works faster than required when we sleep. Practicing meditation daily relieves stress, thus helping in having sound sleep.
4. Meditation is a long-term practice which delays the process of biological ageing. Meditation has this credit, as it decreases the production of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the main cause for tissue damage, ageing, and in some cases, even cancer.
5. It is a known fact that there’s nothing more harmful in one’s mind than a negative thought. So next time when you feel surrounded by cynicism, try to add meditation in your routine. It also helps reduce anger and fight depression and anxiety. 15-20mins of meditation is usually recommended to reduce both depression and anxiety.
6. Meditation also has benefits like better emotional stability, increased concentration, calmer body and mind, and less stressful life. It also helps reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. You will find yourself enjoying small things in life, like watching kids playing in the garden or someone’s genuine simile. Thus this inner energy sourced by meditation will help you become a better person.


Regular exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
The human body today has evolved from its nomadic ancestors who were habituated to find shelter and food after lot of travelling or efforts. Our body still needs that physical fatigue to function efficiently. Modern technologies have made our lives quite simple. Whatever tiredness we feel is related to mental but not physical. We need that physical fatigue for proper functioning of our bodies.
Exercise acts as a savior in this regard. It doesn’t have to be very vigorous unless you want to build a muscular physic. For a healthy body, a regular walk for 30 minutes will be enough. Adding simple exercise in daily routines, like walking to the metro instead of a taxi, taking stairs instead of the elevator and having a balanced diet will help have a healthy body.
Benefits of Exercise
1. Increased level of energy
Cardiovascular system provides oxygen and nutrients to the muscles in our bodies. Exercise increases the efficiency and strength of this cardio vascular system. With more oxygenation of muscles, you start having more energy than usual.
2. Improved muscle strength
Muscles, joint, tendons and ligaments wear off with age. They lose their flexibility and thus staying active becomes difficult. However, these issues can be avoided by practicing exercise on a regular basis. Strengthened ligaments and muscles keep the joints aligned and thus reduce the risk of lower back and joint pain.
3. Reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Blood sugar levels are balanced with regular exercise, thus helping in preventing the type 2 diabetes. Moreover, obesity keeps at bay with regular exercise, which is one of the primary factors for type 2 diabetes. With a balanced diet intake and regular exercise, this disease can be delayed or prevented completely for a long time.
4. Maintaining a healthy weight
It is a known fact that exercise helps burn calories. It helps you develop more muscles which in turn provides higher metabolic rates. This will help you burn calories even when you are not exercising. As a result, you lose weight and physically look better, thus increasing your confidence.
5. Having a healthy heart
LDL cholesterol is bad for health while HDL cholesterol is good. Exercise helps you maintain correct cholesterol levels in the body with reduced blood pressure. This lowers the stress on your heart. Heart muscles are also strengthened by exercise. Thus the risk of coronary heart disease is lowered.
6. Improved brain functions
Blood flow and oxygen supplied to the brain are increased through exercise. Exercise stimulates the brain to release hormones whose job is to help in production of hippocampus cells. It is the part of the brain that helps in learning and memorize things. Thus cognitive ability is boosted and concentration is increased. Therefore, the risk of cognitive degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s is lowered.

Health is not valued till sickness comes

Good Health is the greatest blessing that needs to be cherished and taken care of. Each and every activity that we go is governed by our health. The quote “Health Is Not Valued Till Sickness Comes” seems to be very apt nowadays as people tend to overlook their health since they feel that they have other more important things to accomplish. But, we need to ask ourselves that, will we be able to accomplish even a mundane task if our health is not good.
A person enjoying good health can do all his or duties with a lot of enthusiasm and vigor. Also, a person in good health can achieve better result than a person suffering from some sickness.
Everybody knows the importance of good health and what can be achieved when a person is in good health, then why so many people tend to ignore this and ignore their health.
Why we do we ignore our health?

  • The first reason is laziness. Many people find taking care of their health a very big task. For example we know that one must not sit immediately after eating our meals, but still many of us ignore this and immediately sit or even lie down immediately after our meals. Another example, even if we have to go to a small distance, we prefer our vehicle, instead of walking. All these lazy habits deteriorate our health.
  • Another reason is defining our priorities. As there are many other important things to do like studying or making our career, we have pushed taking care of health at the last spot of our priority list.

We realize this after the damage has been done. Due to the constant stress, improper diet and unhealthy lifestyle, the health gets even more affected. Our energy level decreases, brain gets fogged, body becomes lethargic, eyes get affected, muscles gets stiffed are some of the many problems that are face nowadays, even by young generation.
What can be done to maintain good health?

  • EXERCISE: Daily exercise even for few minutes can work wonder. Start by exercising little and the exercises you are comfortable with. You can always increase it according to your comfort.
  • WALKING: Walking can be a booster for body and mind. Talking a walk in fresh way can rejuvenate us.
  • NUTRITIOUS DIET: Taking healthy food can maintain a healthy weight and can reduce the risk of other diseases.
  • STRESS FREE LIFE: Free your mind from unnecessary anxieties and stress. This will enable you to have sound sleep and keep you healthy.

Benefits of Good Health:

  • You will be more energetic and feel livelier. Exercising stimulates a chemical known as endorphin that makes you feel good and happy.
  • If you are in good health, you may even live longer.
  • Many diseases can be avoided by taking good care of health. This will also cut down your medical bills.
  • You will tend to do all your work more efficiently with great results as you will be energetic and will have more stamina. This will even boost your confidence level.

Ginger Proven Kill Cancer Cell Improve Heart Health

Ginger is considered as one of the most important herbs available. It was first cultivated in India and China. It is also considered as an entire medicine itself. Ginger is said to fuel the digestive fire which makes the digestive system more powerful.
There are number of benefits that a ginger provides.

  • Cancerous cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably. It can be caused due do change in lifestyle or environmental change.
  • It may also be caused by inflammatory compounds, which causes the healthy cell to become cancerous.
  • Ginger contains 6-gingerol and 6-shogoal, that is highly anti-inflammatory and a very rich anti-oxidant, that protects the healthy cells.
  • In a recent research, the component 6-gingerol, which is found in ginger, is also said to be 10,000 times more effect than conventional chemotherapy that targets the cancer stem cells.
  • Researcher also found that, when the solution of ginger powder and water comes in contact with the cancerous cells, the cells committed suicide, known as apoptosis, or the cells attacks the other cancerous cells, known as autophagy.
  • Also, cancerous cells can grow new blood vessels, called Angiogenesis. Ginger can prevent Angiogenesis with the help of Zerumbone, a component found in ginger.
  • Other useful compounds found in ginger like zingerone and paradols also helps to deal with cancer in the following ways;
  • They stimulate anti-oxidants.
  • Search for free radicles.
  • Inhibit cancerous cell growth.
  • Prevents inflammation.
  • Prevents metastasis that is secondary malignant growth.


  • Ginger can be very beneficial for your heart as it contains a number of compounds that can cure your heart or maintain its health.
  • Ginger contains 6-gingerol, a compound found in ginger that can prevents hardening of blood vessels and prevents it from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress means imbalance between the productions antioxidants and free radicles, which can damage tissues.
  • It also has anti blood clotting property that prevents the clotting of blood in the arteries, and providing free flow of blood towards the heart. This prevents in heart attacks.
  • Ginger can also help to lower the cholesterol level, which can prevent the oxidation of Low Density lipoprotein cholesterol. This LDL that is of Low Density lipoprotein is mainly responsible for narrowing of blood vessels and resulting in strokes and heart attacks.


  • Ginger’s medicinal properties can help to deal with intestinal gas and bloating.
  • Ginger can also treat chronic indigestion and heart burn.


  • A compound found in ginger known as gingerol, helps in curing joint pains and muscle pains, as this compound treats the inflammation at a cellular level.
    Ginger can also prevent the joints from early degeneration.
  • It also cures the pain in joints caused by exercising and knee pains.


  • Ginger can help in lowering the blood sugar level and increases the insulin release.
  • Consuming regular ginger can help in reducing blood sugar level, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride.
  • Ginger can overall improve the lipid profiles and prevent the onset of diabetes.

Health Benefits of strawberry and lemon

We can say that the strawberries and lemons are the world’s healthiest foods. Both these fruits contains low amount of sugar that is helpful, as our body needs a certain amount of sugar. A lemon contains 70% sugar and strawberry contains only 40% of sugar.
The reason that the lemon tastes sour even having more sugar than the strawberry is that, the lemon contains high amount of citric acid, usually 3% to 6%, that dominated the sweet taste of the lemon and results in the sour taste. The strawberry has less sugar than lemon but there is no acid content present in the strawberry, and therefore it tastes sweet.
People may think that high amount of sugar in a lemon may cause obesity, but a lemon has many medicinal properties. Also, strawberries contain a high amount of carbohydrates in the form of starch, but it also has many health benefits.
If we keep aside low amount of sugar that is present in both the fruits and just evaluate their nutritive values, we will find that the health benefits that they provide are much more than the amount of sugar present in them.
Health Benefits of Lemon:

  • Lemons contains a lot of minerals like potassium, iron, sodium and calcium and vitamins like vitamin C, E, K, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B9.
  • Lemon have alkalizing effect on the body, that is they balance the pH level of the body and are perfect to consume when you are suffering from acidity and heart burn.
  • They help in treating throat infections, as they contain vitamin C that acts against infections.
  • Drinking Luke warm water in the morning with lemon cures obesity and improves indigestion.
  • Potassium, present in lemon, is important as it helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Lemon contains anti-cancerous compounds like flavonol glycosides that stops growth of cancerous cells.
  • Lemons have anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties.
  • Lemon helps to cure fever by increasing perspiration.
  • The citric acid present in lemon helps in preventing kidney stones.
  • Other benefits include dental care, skin care and hare care.

Health Benefits of Strawberries:

  • Strawberries are packed with antioxidants and are excellent source of vitamin C. Also, strawberries contains minerals like potassium, manganese, dietary fiber and folate.
  • Strawberries contains antioxidants like flavonoids that can prevent damage to our eyes like preventing dry eyes and infections.
  • Strawberries acts as immune booster. Eating strawberries daily can supplement the need of vitamin C.
  • Strawberries helps in fighting cancerous cells. Ellagic acid found in strawberries along with antioxidants like lutein, possess anti carcinogenic properties.
  • Strawberries are rich in potassium that improves the cognitive function of the brain by increasing the blood flow, also, strawberries contains iodine that helps in proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • The minerals, potassium and magnesium found in strawberries helps in lowering the blood pressure. Potassium also helps in the process of vasodilation that is widening of blood vessels, that releases the hypertension.

Other benefits of strawberries include skin rejuvenation of skin and keeping the heart healthy.

Smoking and Heart Disease

Only a smoker knows the joy and the bliss of whiling away time with a cigarette in his hands. And then, there are aspiring smokers, who think it to be a “cool habit. The ultimate level is attained by the chain-smokers (no reference to the band), for whom, even basic activities are done with a cigarette in hand, and packets succeed each other rapidly. For many of them, it is not even a choice; it is an obsession, a habit which they cannot get rid of even if they want.
Most people link up smoking with breathing complications and a number of extreme pulmonary problems like lung cancer. But a major fact is that, smoking is also one of the main causes of heart disease. According to studies, WebMD recently reported that about 20% of deaths from heart disease in the United States are directly related to smoking. It is a phenomenon which is becoming a gradual killer in the entire world, and even in developing countries, where cigarettes of even lower grades are manufactured and inhaled. As a result, countries like India are seeing a rapid increase in deaths arising from heart problems. A person’s probability of heart attack is directly proportional to the number of cigarettes they consume. How long a person smoked matters, too. You are six times as likely to have a heart attack when seen in comparison to a non-smoker If you smoke off 20 cigarettes every day,. And the likeliness increases exponentially as the number of packs per day increases.
Medical science has reported in recent years that hypertension is highly associated to smoking. Smokers have an 80% more risk of having continued hypertension than non smokers. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is directly triggered by the presence of nicotine in the blood. Nicotine and some other external agents present in the blood are directly responsible for reducing the diameter of blood vessels, also called ‘forced vasoconstriction’. This results in blood flowing at a higher pressure through the arteries and other vessels; resulting in permanent damage when sustained for a long time. High blood pressure has direct effects on the heart, as it affects the strength, rhythm and elasticity of the cardiovascular tissues; thus leading to heart diseases, starting from sudden heart attacks.
Besides high blood pressure, nicotine in cigarette smoke also affects oxygen content of the blood. Carbon monoxide, which abounds in smoke, forms a very stable compound called Carbaminohaemoglobin (Hb.CO). Thus it reduces space for the oxygen to be delivered to heart and other parts of the body. Lack of oxygen supply hits the heart tissues hard, especially the pericardial muscles of the heart. Cell death in these muscles causes the heart to abruptly stop after some time, implying a heart attack.
So, it is best to stay away from smoking, especially if you have already pre existing heart problems. And if you don’t have problems yet, stay away from active as well as passive smoking, in order to lead a longer and healthier life.

Career Women and Breast Cancer

In the modern world, a working woman is not an unfamiliar sight. Career aspirations do not discriminate between men and women; so it is not a surprise when thousands of young and middle aged women have joined the workforce, strengthening it further. However, every action has its perks and cons. So was the observation when studies revealed that working women had a 70% higher likelihood of getting breast cancer than normal housewives. The line might seem unfavourable and discriminative for feminists. But medical science has stood its ground, with Dr Tetyana Pudrovska stating five unshakable reasons which might have resulted in this trend.
Breastfeeding Problems
One of the primary problems stated by researchers is irregular breastfeeding for working mothers. Many mothers, due to their working hours, are unable to breastfeed their babies at the right time. Some mothers even make an early substitution to bottled milk or other alternatives, thus removing the habit of breastfeeding. This is strongly discouraged, as breastfeeding can decrease chances of breast cancer by about 5% to 10%, according to recent studies. It might also reduce chances of deaths caused by breast cancer.
Delayed Pregnancy
This is another significant cause of worry. Researchers believe those working women who postpone the activity of childbirth until their late-thirties or even forties due to their job ambitions may face a greater risk of breast cancer due to hormonal alternations caused by pregnancy. Oestrogen, or the child-bearing hormone, occurs in abundance during pregnancy. However, in older women, breast cells are more unable to respond to changes caused due to oestrogen. As a result, complications occur, leading to breast cancer development. In working women below the age of 50, breast cancer is more aggressively growing and harder to treat.
Stress at Work
The demands of the modern world have reached great extents, with employers putting ever increasing pressure on their employees to perform and provide results. But, amidst this rat race, working women often fall prey to intense stresses; which they can bear, but their body cannot. According to studies, there is an increased risk of breast cancer among women, who are in career-oriented jobs and experience regular job strain; but not among part-timers or those in lighter, lower status jobs. In fact, stressful jobs can increase chances of development of breast cancer by up to 50%, according to a study.
Air Pollution
Several studies (not all of them) reported components of air pollution as a possible stimuli generator for breast cancer. Such components, namely fine particulate matter and Nitrogen dioxide, are not commonly found in air of normal home environments. However, in thickly populated industrial areas, as well as in urban cities with huge volumes of traffic, these particles abound in the air. Thus, working women, who get significantly more exposure to this air than housewives, are suspected to be more affected by it, thus pushing up the chances of breast cancer.
Lack of Sleep
This is generally seen in slightly older working women. As working women try to balance in-house as well as professional responsibilities, they lose track of time, and sacrifice sleep in order to increase available time. It might seem productive, but has damaging effects on the body including increased risks of breast cancer.
Thus, all of these reasons combined causes breast cancer to frequent in working women more than homemakers, by even a margin up to as high as 70%.