Best Benefits of Pomegranate Juice for Skin, Hair, and overall Health

Best Benefits of Pomegranate Juice for Skin, Hair, and overall Health
Pomegranate, which is popularly called as ‘seeded apple,’ has a wide range of benefits. Medically, this fruit is full of flavonoids and antioxidants. It’s because of its properties and benefits that the fruit is being widely cultivated in several parts of the world today. Although we are already aware that this fruit has several health benefits, we are still unaware of the best benefits of pomegranate juice for skin, hair, and health. It’s time for us to learn about these. So, just keep reading…
Best Benefits for Skin:
Your skin will be called healthy not only when it appears beautiful, but also when it offers a protective layer against the potential infections. As such, your pomegranate juice with all the antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties will give you the radiant and the glowing skin. So, what an ounce of pomegranate juice will provide your skin? Let’s see here:
Healthy Skin:
As might be already aware, pomegranate is rich in vitamin E, which is an important nutrient required to maintain the skin’s health. Your one cup of pomegranate juice will give you 1.8 mg of this nutrient. In other words, it is almost 14% of the daily recommended level.
Skin Protection:
For your skin to function healthily, Zinc is important. This is the mineral that regulates the development of basal cells and assists in the healing of wounds. Also, Zinc has a role to play in protecting your skin from damages. This important Zinc is present in pomegranate and a cup of its juice will give us about 11 mg of this mineral. This is equal to almost 15% of the daily recommended intake.
Melanin Production:
Copper is a mineral that is required by us to produce melanin pigment (that gives color to the skin). This is also needed to protect our skin from sunlight. This copper is found to be present in our pomegranate and one cup of pomegranate juice will give us almost 500 mg of this mineral. This is nearly 53% of the recommended levels.
A balanced diet that is rich in pomegranate juice will do wonders in terms of anti-aging. Its juice is known to slow down the aging process. Also, it would reduce the wrinkles, as well as fine lines caused due to constant exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, the juice would help sustain the regeneration process and prevent the hyperpigmentation.
Dry Skin Soothing:
In simple terms, pomegranate juice is found to be suitable for all skin types. In particular, for dry skin types, it is known to penetrate deep into the skin and provide the much-needed moisture and hydration. This way, it soothes your dry skin.
Scar Healing:
As mentioned above, pomegranate juice will help regenerate the cells in both the epidermal, as well as the dermal layers. Thus, it would facilitate the faster healing of scars. Also, it would protect your skin from sunburns and would help heal the damage caused to your skin due to sunlight exposure.
Best Benefits for Hair:
Again, this fruit contains a lot of nutrients that can benefit your hair in several ways. Let’s see them here:
Hair follicle Strengthening:
Taking pomegranate juice regularly would strengthen your hair follicles thereby, preventing hair fall. Thus, this would give your hair a healthy, as well as lustrous look.
Hair Loss Treatment:
Drinking this juice regularly will treat your hair loss too. The punicic acid that is present in this fruit would help strengthen your hair and keep it thicker and healthier. Moreover, it would enhance the blood circulation in the scalp and stimulate hair growth.
Best Benefits for Health:
As everyone is aware, the juice of pomegranate has a lot of medicinal properties. So, what are the best benefits? Check below:
The Rise in Immunity:
As mentioned earlier, the juice of pomegranate is full of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. These would be promising to raise the immune levels thus making us stronger. Thus, the body will become capable of fighting against microorganisms. It’s to be noted that this juice has the ability to control even the HIV transmission, which is the deadliest infection ever.
Healthy Pregnancy:
The vitamins and minerals that are present in pomegranate juice would help make sure a healthy pregnancy. They would help have healthy blood flow to your fetus thereby, supporting its growth. Moreover, these nutrients would help prevent premature labor.
Blood Pressure Regulation:
Taking this juice regularly will keep your blood pressure in check. It would act as a natural aspirin in the prevention of blood coagulation and the blood cells clotting. Thus, the lesions will be reduced and inflammation of blood vessels will be regulated. All these would make your blood thinner thus making it flow normally.
Heart Health:
The juice of pomegranate will make the arteries flexible and reduce the risks of atherosclerosis. It will reduce the levels of bad cholesterol or what we called as LDL and increase the levels of good cholesterol or HDL. Thus, the risks of blocks in the arteries will be decreased largely.
Cancer Prevention:
Pomegranate juice is known to eliminate the free radicals in our body. The antioxidants that are present in it would the neutralization of toxins. Also, it would induce a process in your body that would self-destruct the cancer cells. Moreover, it would block the aromatase enzyme that aids in the development of breast cancer. Thus, pomegranate juice is found to be beneficial in cancer prevention.
Blood Sugar Control:
Diabetes is a major disorder today. It can be seen that the fruit juices are increasing the blood sugar levels in general. But, pomegranate juice is quite different in this. It does not increase the blood sugar level, although it contains fructose in it. Several research studies have proved this!
Anemia is the medical condition, which is caused when the number of red blood cells decreases below the normal levels. The iron that is present in the pomegranate juice will help produce these blood cells thereby, curing this deficiency disorder.
Remember, pomegranate juice has, even more, benefits for skin, hair, and health than the aforementioned ones. We have learned only the best ones here!


Health Benefits of Using Honey in Daily life

Daily exercise and nutrition diet is key to a healthy and fit body, and honey is best for nutrition. It is the oldest sweetener on earth. The golden sweetener is full of antioxidants and flavonoids which gift you high energy and healing power. I suggest you take honey for your house, not only for the kitchen but for your medicine cabinet also.
In a study, it has been found that more than 65% reduction in your productivity is due to bad eating habits. Be it unhealthy food or timing issues in your diet; it is slowly affecting you from inside.
In last few decades, our traditional food has got replaced by junk and fast food and the percentage of junk food consumption has increased drastically. People of all age group have adopted this bad habit. If we continue doing this, our upcoming generation is predicted to be born with disabilities.
Let me brief some of the major benefits of honey:
Heal your heart diseases and cancer with honey
The antioxidants and flavonoids in the-oldest-golden-sweetener help fight against cancer and heart diseases. Raw honey is best for medicinal use.
The darker the honey, the more are the antioxidants in it.
Regulates blood sugar:
Even though honey is sweet, but it is not same as normal white sugar or any artificial sweet syrup. The combination of fructose and glucose present in honey helps the body to regulate the sugar level.
Beautiful glowing skin
Apply it on your face in winters or give yourself a honey facial for a younger glowing skin. The anti-bacterial qualities of honey are useful for your skin, Your grandmother (just like mine) might have told you this use of honey. Get a honey facial or put on a honey pack with other ingredients like Vitamin e to moisturize and nourish your skin.
Cure to ulcers and other gastrointestinal issues:
Honey is a natural medicine to ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders.
Honey has noticeable long life, all thanks to the bees who add enzymes to honey that makes hydrogen peroxide and make the honey anti-bacterial. It is the only thing that never gets spoiled. I have never heard in my home that honey is spoiled.
Increases athletic performance:
Ancient athletes used to take honey with dried figs to perform well in the playground. Modern studies have taken it into consideration and it is now verified to be helpful in maintaining the glycogen level and improve the recovery time.
Use it for Cough medicine:
A cough is a real irritating disease that doesn’t even allow you a proper sleep. In winters, if my adorable toddler feels discomfort due to the cold and cough, I just take some honey on your finger and allow the little one to lick it.
I use it for adults also, a simple home remedy can help relief from cough. Take some fresh ginger juice, a spoonful of honey and black pepper; mix well and eat slowly. If required take lukewarm water only.
Healing wounds and burns:
Honey is the best home remedy as it has some natural properties like antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial. Applying a layer of honey after cleaning the wound is a very fast way to heal wound and cut, this method is being used since the medical facilities were not much developed because it keeps the affected area infection free and reduces odor and pus. Moreover, it reduces the pain within minutes which is a big relief for the patient. Raw honey is the best.
Now that you know the benefits of this magic resource, so make use of it.

10 Health Benefits of Honey

10 Ways to Use Honey (in your food and on your skin)

Did you know- Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries

Health Benefits of Strawberry and lemon
We can say that the strawberries and lemons are the world’s healthiest foods. Both these fruits contain low amount of sugar that is helpful, as our body needs a certain amount of sugar. A lemon contains 70% sugar and strawberry contain only 40% of sugar.
The reason that the lemon tastes sour even having more sugar than the strawberry is that the lemon contains a high amount of citric acid, usually 3% to 6%, that dominated the sweet taste of the lemon and results in the sour taste. The strawberry has less sugar than lemon but there is no acid content present in the strawberry, and therefore it tastes sweet.
People may think that high amount of sugar in a lemon may cause obesity, but a lemon has many medicinal properties. Also, strawberries contain a high amount of carbohydrates in the form of starch, but it also has many health benefits.
If we keep aside low amount of sugar that is present in both the fruits and just evaluate their nutritive values, we will find that the health benefits that they provide are much more than the amount of sugar present in them.
Health Benefits of Lemon:

  • Lemons contains a lot of minerals like potassium, iron, sodium and calcium and vitamins like vitamin C, E, K, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B9.
  • Lemon has an alkalizing effect on the body, that is they balance the pH level of the body and are perfect for consuming when you are suffering from acidity and heartburn.
  • They help in treating throat infections, as they contain vitamin C that acts against infections.
  • Drinking Luke warm water in the morning with lemon cures obesity and improves indigestion.
  • Potassium, present in lemon, is important as it helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Lemon contains anti-cancerous compounds like flavonol glycosides that stop the growth of cancerous cells.
  • Lemons have antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
  • Lemon helps to cure the fever by increasing perspiration.
  • The citric acid present in lemon helps in preventing kidney stones.
  • Other benefits include dental care, skin care, and hair care.

Health Benefits of Strawberries:

  • Strawberries are packed with antioxidants and are an excellent source of vitamin C. Also; strawberries contain minerals like potassium, manganese, dietary fiber and folate.
  • Strawberries contain antioxidants like flavonoids that can prevent damage to our eyes like preventing dry eyes and infections.
  • Strawberries act as an immune booster. Eating strawberries daily can supplement the need of vitamin C.
  • Strawberries help in fighting cancerous cells. Ellagic acid found in strawberries along with antioxidants like lutein possess anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Strawberries are rich in potassium that improves the cognitive function of the brain by increasing the blood flow. Also, strawberries contain iodine that helps in proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • The minerals, potassium, and magnesium found in strawberries help in lowering the blood pressure. Potassium also helps in the process of vasodilation that is widening of blood vessels, that releases hypertension.
  • Other benefits of strawberries include skin rejuvenation of skin and keeping the heart healthy.