This quote from “Jim Rohn” is quite famous. We don’t think there is nothing unrealistic in this quote. Our body is where our soul is alive. We need to take proper care of it in order to enjoy a lasting life. We don’t tell you to become an athlete in one night. We know no one can jump into the deep sea from a mountain. But, a simple thought or a new idea can make a change possible. Just wake up from your dormancy and commit yourself to make the change happen. So, how to take care of your body? The physical exercises are the best way to take care of your body.
But, are you committed to your physical exercises? Well, some of you might be new to exercises and some of you might have done it for a while and dropped it. Don’t wait anymore! Just stick with your physical exercises, if not, start something new. Don’t fear about failures. We are here to help you out in this. Just read on…
Develop a Positive Mindset:
Setting up your mindset for exercises during a particular time of a day is good. But, you are advised to develop a more positive mindset on this. Wake up every day and set up your mind for doing more. Remind your body to get more physical exercises throughout the day and you are more likely to achieve the same. It’s not that you need to stay for long hours in your gym. You can take more steps and/or stairs. You can take yourself on your feet to talk to your colleague rather than sending e-mails. Like these, there are several ways to increase your physical activities in a day. All you need is a positive mindset to do that.
Commit yourself to it:
I agree you are not the type of person who wants to become an athlete or a physical trainer. But, you can achieve your physical fitness just by committing yourself to it. Start by doing physical activities on a regular basis. Have a place for physical exercises on your timetable. You need to treat it as your commitment rather than thinking it as an extra-curricular activity. Leave out the thoughts that you will do it if you have time. If you know that could spend only ten or fifteen minutes in a day for that then mark in your calendar. But, once marked, you need to be very committed to it.
Go for the Favorites:
There are several people out there who are committing to a form of exercise that they hate. Remember, you can’t commit yourself to the activity that you don’t like for a long time. Moreover, you need not do that too. There are several forms of exercises out there. Pick the one that is liked by you. Get to know all about it and pick up the specifics. For instance, if you love a particular form of yoga then go for it. If you love swimming, choose the particular form in it (laps or aerobics) and stick to it. In this, remember to take into consideration whether you like to exercise alone or with groups. On the whole, we would say that you need to do a simple research about yourself to find out your favorites. Once you have found out, just for it.
Numbers are not important:
Several people would take it to their mind about weight loss. Although their goal is to lose weight through exercises, keeping that thought in mind won’t help many times. Rather, if they are able to enjoy the exercises and movements they do, the results will be much better. Always feel pride in what you are doing. Through exercises, you are going to attain fitness and this would improve your image. Feel proud about that. The thoughts like these would act as a motivating factor. Therefore, don’t just concentrate on the numbers you do, but connect yourself to the exercises on an emotional level. Your health and strength are more important than the numbers.
Don’t forget your Strength Training:
Some people would just concentrate on cardio when it comes to workout. More often, people will ignore the strength training. Remember, strength training is very important to us. Your strength training would help retain your muscles as you age thereby, helping you to possess a strong body with an efficient metabolism. It’s okay if you could concentrate on just one muscle group in a day and three different exercises for each group. You are free to split up your strength training all through the week. Once you are accustomed to your strength training, you will feel the change and it will increase your confidence levels in developing more muscles.
Put your health at first:
We would encounter several stressful situations in our day to day life. But, at any cost, we should let our stress overtake our health. No matter how tough your situation is, always put your health at first. If you happened to ignore your health because of your problems, it would mean that you are creating more problems rather than solving the existing ones. You must ensure that you are doing something, however little, for your health each and every day. Only if you take care of your health you can take care of your problems. If you let your health go off, then you will not achieve anything else.
Don’t let the past stop you:
Finally, don’t let your past stop you from moving forward to the future. Some people would have guilt because they haven’t worked out for a while. Some people would feel guilty for not having started off. Don’t let all these negative things of the past stop from starting off. Just let go your past and gear up for the future. If you haven’t worked for a while, don’t regret. Start a new day with fresh thoughts. Just set up your mind that you won’t repeat the same mistake again. If you haven’t tried any physical exercise till now also, don’t lose hope. Just take some baby steps. It’s better to be late than never.

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